Satish Lele

A List of all the AutoCAD System variables and their meanings.

Variable                                 Description                                     ANSI     ISO-25     DIN        JIS

DIMADEC            Decimal places for angular dimensions          0              0              0              0

DIMALT               Alternate units selected                                      Off          Off          Off          Off

DIMALTD            Alternate unit decimal places                            2              4              2              2

DIMALTF             Alternate unit scale factor                        25.4000    0.0394  0.0394    0.0394

DIMALTRND      Alternate units rounding value                   0.0000    0.0000  0.0000    0.0000

DIMALTTD         Alternate tolerance decimal places                  2              4              2              2

DIMALTTZ          Alternate tolerance zero suppression               0              0              0              0

DIMALTU            Alternate units                                                      2              8              8              2

DIMALTZ            Alternate unit zero suppression                         0              0              0              0

DIMAPOST          Prefix and suffix for alternate text                                                 

DIMASZ               Arrow size                                                     0.1800     2.5000   2.5000   2.5000

DIMATFIT           Arrow and text fit                                         3     3              3              3

DIMAUNIT          Angular unit format                                            0              0              0              0

DIMAZIN             Angular zero suppression                                   0              0              0              0

DIMBLK               Arrow block name                                               ClosedFilled         

DIMBLK1            First arrow block name                                       ClosedFilled

DIMBLK2            Second arrow block name                                 ClosedFilled

DIMCEN               Center mark size                                           0.0900    2.500    2.500    0.0000

DIMCLRD            Dimension line and leader color            ByBlock ByBlock ByBlock ByBlock

DIMCLRE            Extension line color                                  ByBlock ByBlock ByBlock ByBlock

DIMCLRT            Dimension text color                                ByBlock ByBlock ByBlock ByBlock

DIMDEC               Decimal places for dimensions                         4              4              4              4

DIMDLE               Dimension line extension                          0.0000     0.0000   0.0000    0.0000

DIMDLI                Dimension line spacing                              0.3800     3.7500   3.7500    7.0000

DIMDSEP             Decimal separator                                               .               ,               ,               .

DIMEXE               Extension above dimension line               0.1800    1.2500   1.2500    1.0000

DIMEXO               Extension line origin offset                        0.0625    0.0625   0.0625    1.0000

DIMFRAC            Fraction format                                                   0              0              0              0

DIMGAP               Gap from dimension line to text               0.0900    0.6250   0.6250     0.0000

DIMJUST              Justification of text on dimension line            0              0              0              0

DIMLDRBLK      Leader arrowhead block name                         ClosedFilled

DIMLFAC            Linear unit scale factor                                      1.000      1.000      1.000      1.000

DIMLIM               Generate dimension limits                                 Off          Off          Off          Off

DIMLUNIT          Linear unit format                                               2              6              6              2

DIMLWD              Dimension line and leader lineweight              -2            -2            -2            -2

DIMLWE              Extension line lineweight                                    -2            -2            -2            -2

DIMPOST             Prefix and suffix for dimension text                                                               

DIMRND              Rounding value                                             0.0000    0.0000    0.0000  0.0000

DIMSAH               Separate arrow blocks                                        Off          Off          Off          Off

DIMSCALE          Overall scale factor                                       1.0000    1.0000    1.0000  1.0000

DIMSD1                Suppress the first dimension line                      Off          Off          Off          Off

DIMSD2                Suppress the second dimension line Off          Off          Off          Off

DIMSE1                Suppress the first extension line                        Off          Off          Off          Off

DIMSE2                Suppress the second extension line                  Off          Off          Off          Off

DIMSOXD            Suppress outside dimension lines                     Off          Off          Off          On

DIMTAD               Place text above the dimension line 0              1              1              1

DIMTDEC            Tolerance decimal places                                  4              4              4              4

DIMTFAC            Text height within tolerance objects        1.0000   1.0000   1.0000  1.0000

DIMTIH                Text inside extensions is horizontal                 On           Off          Off          Off

DIMTIX                Place text inside extensions                               Off          Off          Off          On

DIMTM               Minus tolerance                                              0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000

DIMTMOVE        Text movement                                                   0              0              0              0

DIMTOFL             Force line inside extension lines                        Off          On           On           On

DIMTOH              Text outside horizontal                                      On           Off          Off          Off

DIMTOL               Tolerance dimensioning                                     Off          Off          Off          Off

DIMTOLJ             Tolerance vertical justification                         1              1              1              1

DIMTP                  Plus tolerance                                                0.0000   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000

DIMTSZ                Tick size                                          0.0000   0.0000   0.0000  0.0000

DIMTVP               Text vertical position                                   0.0000   0.0000   0.0000  0.0000

DIMTXSTY          Text style                                                              STANDARD

DIMTXT               Text height                                                     0.1800    2.5000  2.5000  2.5000

DIMTZIN             Tolerance zero suppression                               0              0              0              0

DIMUPT               User positioned text                                            Off          Off          Off          Off

DIMZIN                Zero suppression                                                  0              8              8              8

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