1. Process description: The crude glycerine from the transesterification reaction of oils is treated with pure hydrogen in order to get these products: - dry methanol, 90-95% purity - free fatty acids - polyglycols ** The % of each product depends on the composition of the glycerol feedstock. ** FFA's and Methanol can be re-used in the same biodiesel manufacturing, and the polyglycols may be sold to the chemical industry, or burnt as fuel. 2. Steps of the process: • Load crude glycerine • Acid neutralization • FFA's extraction, keeping the 80% purified glycerine • Hydrogenation of the glycerine under controlled temperature and vacuum • Extraction of the gaseous methanol and condensing vapour by cooling water • Extraction of the glycols 3. Production capacity: Module uses 2 x 2500 Liter vessels to process up to 10,000 liters of crude glycerine in 24 hours work shifts. It will produce around 35-40% of dry methanol, 25-30% of FFA's, and balance of polyglycols. The operation can be done by two non skilled people per shift ** INPUTS: Crude glycerine Energy: 70 Wh/kg glycerine Acid: 1 a 2,5% in volume Catalyst: 0,01% per kg (reusable 5 times) Water: 0,4 L/kg