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BioDiesel Project Report

BioDiesel Process

Used Cooking Oil

Palm Stearin

Animal Tallow

Rice Bran Oil

Enzyme Process
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Satish Lele

Set up your own BioDiesel Plant

My mission is to assist people who want to set up BioDiesel Plants. By now it is clear that you need to manufacture BioDiesel in order to purify, Used Cooking Oil (UCO), frying oil (of potato wafers etc.) or yellow greases (Animal fat used for frying). Palm Stearin, Acid Oil, waste Animal Tallow and non edible oils, which can be used as raw material. Only these oils are available throughout the year at low price. Disposal of these oils in sewer, is also a problem.

Many people want to set up BioDiesel plants. Most of them try the Process of BioDiesel at Home or in Laboratory. Then they want to set up a full scale plant. There are many plant suppliers, who offer turn-key plants at a very high price, based on oils having restrictions on Free Fatty Acid (FFA) content. In practice you will get oil having a wide range of FFA, and you will have to set your own parameters based on FFA of oil.

I sell designs and drawings to set up your own Biodiesel plant. With my designs and drawings, you can fabricate and erect the Biodiesel plant, in your own town at much lower cost. You can set up Biodiesel plant on your own. Any local fabricator can fabricate BioDiesel Plant for you, if he is given my Detailed Engineering Package. The equipments, bought out items and instruments are simple, which are easily available in developing countries of Asia and Africa. Maintenance of these can be done locally, with local skills. Most of the people who buy the Detailed Engineering Package, have done number of trials for manufacture of Biodiesel on small scale. Based on their experience, they have already formulated their own process parameters. Hence, they do not need process knowhow and they do commissioning themselves.

Batch BioDiesel Plants: I have prepared Detailed Engineering Packages for Batch type BioDiesel plants, for different capacities. These have smaller capacities, and hence, these are based on Batch process. Detailed Engineering Package comprises of Catalyst cum Biodiesel Reactor, Settling Tanks and Dry Washing Columns. Detailed Engineering Package also includes special pre-treatment vessel to reduce free fatty acid content. These are of following capacities : 400 liters per day, 1,000 liters per day, 2,000 liters per day, 5,000 liters per day, 10,000 liters per day, 20,000 liters per day, and 30,000 liters per day.

Continuous BioDiesel Plants: I have also prepared Detailed Engineering Packages for Continuous BioDiesel Plants, with capacities of 10,000, 30,000, 50,000 and 100,000 liters per day . These are designed as Automatic BioDiesel Plants, based on Ultrasonic mixer and Centrifuge (or Settling Tanks). These packages contain

Process & Instrumentation Diagram
Process Flow Diagram
Flow rates in pipe lines

Plot Plan
Equipment List
Equipment Drawings

Pump List
Pump Data Sheets
Piping Specifications

Line List
Valve List
Valve Data Sheets

Instruments List with Ranges
Ultrasonic Catalog
Centrifuge Catalog (or Settling Tanks)

Piping Isometrics
Piping Bill of Quantity
Process Manual

for Information about drawings of Plants.

Project Reports: You can buy basic Project Reports of these Biodiesel plants, in Word and Excel format with full financial analysis. These Biodiesel reports form the basis for Report to be submitted to Bank which is generally prepared by Chartered Acountant associated with the particular bank. These Biodiesel project reports are available for US$ 10 or 750. These are available in US$, any other currency or Indian Rupees.

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