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Aloe Vera Gel Profile & Information
The word aloe has its roots in the Arabic word alloeh, which means radiance. A native plant of Somalia with a history dating back to the fourth century B.C, Aloe Vera also figures prominently in Egyptian, Chinese, Greek, Indian and Christian literature. As per legend, Aloe Vera was the miraculous healing power of Aloe Vera that prompted Alexander the Great to conquer the island of Socotra. Cleopatras famed beauty is also attributed to the natural goodness of Aloe Vera. While the Arabs have a tradition of placing Aloe Vera at graves as a symbol of regeneration and resurrection, the African hunters used its gel as a deodorant. With the recent resurgence of herbal products as a part of green movement, Aloe Vera is witnessing a new renaissance across the world.
Nature and Features
Aloe Vera is a succulent that belongs to the liliaceae family. Aloe Vera is one of the 250 known species of aloes, referred to by the scientific terms of Aloe Vera and Aloe arbadensis. Called Ghrita Kumari in Sanskrut, Aloe Vera is commonly known as Aloe, Barbados Aloe, Sabila and Pita Sabila. Akin to cactus in appearance, Aloe Vera grows naturally in Africa, America, Europe and Asia. The ideal environment for cultivating Aloe Vera is a tropical climate and low rainfall. The mature plant will grow up to a height of twentyfive feet. Aloe Vera has fibrous roots and bright green gelatinous leaves, enveloped in a fine layer of a yellow liquid or sap. Aloe Vera produces flowers and seeds from the same root structure year after year. The yellow to purplish drooping flowers grow in a long raceme at the top of the flower stalk. The fruit is a triangular capsule containing numerous seeds.
The Constituents:
The various constituent elements found in Aloe Vera include:
Vitamins: Beta-carotene, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Folic acid, Vitamin C, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B6,Vitamin E, Choline.
Minerals: Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Copper, Iron, Manganese, Potassium, Zinc, Chromium, Chlorine.
Amino Acids: Lysine, Threonine, Valine, Methionine, Leucine, Isoleucine, Phenylaianine, Tryptophane, Histidine, Arginine, Hydroxy Proline, Aspartic acid, Serine, Glutamic acid, Proline, Glycerine, Alanine, Cystine and Tyrosine.
Anthraquinones: Aloin, Isobarbaloin, Barbaloin, Cinnamic acid,Emodin, Aloe Emodin, Ester of Cinnamic acid, Anthracene, Antranol, Aloetic acid, Ethereal oils, Resistannols and Crysophanic acid.
Mono and polysaccharides: Cellulose, Glucose, Mannose, Galactose, Aldonentose, L-rhamnose, Uronic acid, Xylose, Glucuronic acid and Arabinose.
Enzymes: Oxidase, Amylase, Catalase, Lipase and Alinase.
Applications / Uses: The important therapeutic uses of Aloe Vera include
The long chain mannan polysaccharides in Aloe Vera, help activate and boost the Immune System.
The magnesium lactate and salicylates in Aloe Vera, effectively avert Allergies, Sinusitis and Bronchitis.
The molecules in Aloe Vera act as anti-inflammatory agent, a cure for arthritis, and promote good circulation for the heart and nervous system.
The polysaccharides in Aloe Vera bring down the bodies serum lipids, and thus lower triglyceride and LDL level (bad cholesterol) and increase of HDL (good cholesterol).
As an antioxidant, Aloe Vera guards against damage by free radicals and unwarranted toxins in the body. Aloe Vera also regulates blood pressure, and acts in rheumatism, arthritis, and infections of the kidney, the urinary tract and the prostate.
By the combined and synergic effect of the various ingredients in Aloe Vera, Aloe Vera aids in treatment of peptic ulcers, stomach disorders, acidity, indigestion, gastritis and ulcers, colitis and haemorrhoids, cirrhosis, hepatitis and diabetes.
The list of different illnesses and conditions, aided by the use of Aloe Vera is indeed impressive, covering everything from burns and slight infections to very serious conditions.
Acne, aching joints & muscles, asthma, athletes foot, abscesses, arthritis, allergy rashes, age spots, acid indigestion.
Brown skin spots, burns, boils, blood pressure, bruising, bad breath, bleeding, bowel problems / conditions, blisters, bronchitis.
Cancer treatment (i.e. helps case the radiation effects), cuts & wounds, colon cleansing, constipation, calcium, chapping, cataracts, craddle cap, cystitis, candida, circulation, colitis, colic.
Digestive problems, diarrhoea, dermatitis, dandruff, diabetes, detoxification, duodenal ulcer, diaper (nappy) rash, denture sores, depression.
Eye and ear problems (inflammation, infection), eczema, energy loss.
- Gum disease, bleeding gums.
- Hair and scalp, heat rash haemorrhoids, headache.
Infection, inflammation, itching, irritable bowel syndrome, indigestion, insomnia, influenza, inset bite.
- Jaundice
- Kidney ailments
- Liver ailments, laryngitis.
- Moisturizes mouth ulcers, muscle cramps.
- Nasal congestion, nutrition, cracked nipples, nausea.
- Operation recovery.
- Psoriasis, prickly heat, pimple, peptic ulcer, pain relief.
- Radiation burns, razor burn, rheumatism, rashes.
Sear removal, scalp problems, sinusitis, sore throat, scalding, stomach disorders, sciatica, strains, sprains, skin problems, stress shingles, stings, styles, sunburns.
- Tonsillitis, thrush, teething, tennis elbow.
- Ulcers (all kinds)
- Varicose veins, veterinary treatments, venereal sores.
- Warts, wind chapping.
The Demand
A conservative estimate puts the monetary value of current Global trade in medicinal plants at over US$ 60 billion. With the increasing interest in natural products across the world and the resultant upsurge in the demand for medicinal plants, this trade is expected to grow up to US$ 5 trillion by the year 2050. Aloe Vera is among the few medicinal plants by virtue of their extensive medicinal, nutraceutical and other uses enjoy a major chunk of the market across the globe. The major markets for Aloe Vera and its extracts are Australia, US and Europe. Despite the ideal climatic conditions for the cultivation of Aloe Vera, we have not been able to exploit the excellent potential of the miraculous medicinal plant. The reasons are simple: lack of cultivation and processing know-how.
Given the exponentially growing demand for Aloe Vera in the international market, Aloe Vera presents the finest commercial opportunity among the various medicinal plants. Also, India is among the few countries gifted with the unique geographical features essential for cultivation of Aloe Vera and other high potential medicinal plants. Yet, the country has not realized and reaped the full potential of such plants. The reason is simple: lack of the requisite expertise. Fortunately, the technology is now accessible to individual and corporate entrepreneurs to make the most of Aloe Vera through mainstream cultivation.
Cultivation Process
Though Aloe Vera can be cultivated on any soil for 'dry land management', sandy loamy soil is the best suited for sandy loamy soil. Aloe Vera is generally propagated by root suckers by carefully digging out without damaging the parent plant and planting Aloe Vera in the main field. Aloe Vera can also be propagated through rhizome cuttings. By digging out the rhizomes after the harvest of the crop and making them into 5 to 6 cm length cuttings with a minimum of 2 to 3 nodes on them. Then they are rooted in specially prepared sand beds or containers. The plant is ready for transplanting after the appearance of the first sprouts. The process of cultivating Aloe Vera involves the following process:
The ground is to be carefully prepared to keep ground free from weeds and the soil is ideally kept slightly acidic. The soil should be supplied supplement in the form of ammonium nitrate every year.
The plants are spaced out by 31 inches in rows and between the rows. At that rate, about 5,000 plants are set per acre. 8 to 12 inch aloe pop would take about 18 to 24 months to fully mature.
The plants, in a year's time, would bear flowers that are bright yellow in colour. The leaves are 1 to 2 feet long and are cut without causing damage to the plant, so that Aloe Vera plant lasts for several years.
The crop can be harvested 4 times a year. At the rate of 3 leaves cut from each plant, about 12 leaves are harvested per plant per year. On an average, the yield per acre annually can vary from 15,000 to 60,000 kg. (Commercial average is 30,000 to 35,000 Kgs per acre, per year, depending on supply of water)
The leaves cut off close to the plant are placed immediately, with the cut end downwards, in a V-shaped wooden trough of about 4 feet long and 12 to 18 inches deep.
The wooden trough is set on a sharp incline so that the juice, which trickles from the leaves very rapidly, flows down its sides, and finally escapes by a hole at its lower end into a vessel placed beneath.
It takes about a quarter of an hour to cut leaves enough to fill a trough. The troughs are so distributed as to be easily accessible to the cutters.
The leaves are neither infused nor boiled, nor used afterwards except for manure. When the vessels receiving the juice get filled, the latter is removed to a cask or reserved for evaporation. This may be done at once, or it may be delayed for weeks or even months.
The evaporation is generally conducted in a copper vessel. At the bottom of this is a large ladle, into which the impurities sink, and are removed from time to time as the boiling goes on.
As soon as the inspissations has reached the proper point, which is determined solely by the experienced eye of the workman, the thickened juice is poured into large gourds or into boxes, and allowed to harden.
Aloe Vera Gel
Reputed as one of the herbs in the beauty arsenals of Cleopatra and Nephertiti, aloe vera gel today is showing up as a main ingredient in cosmetics and in bottles on the shelves of health food to grocery stores. From Aloe Vera Gel's history painted on ancient walls to the controversies of today, this is one herb used freely for skin almost as much as water. Aloe vera gel can be used, both internally and externally. Aloe Vera Gel is obtained from the pulp of plants containing approximately 200 biologically active substances, which can be broken down into the following groups:
Vitamins - Antioxidants, D and B12
Minerals - Trace
Enzymes - Several different types
Sugars - Immune system and detoxification
Anthraquinones - Gastrointestinal absorption, pain relief, anti bacterial, anti viral.
Lignin - Helps other constituents penetrate skin.
Saponins - Soapy substance, cleansing, anti bacterial / microbial.
Salicylic Acids - like Asprin, Aloe Vera Gel is anti inflammatory.
Fatty Acids - Anti inflammatory
The gel consists of 99.3% water and the remaining 0.7% is a synergistic mix of the above constituents. Some believe Aloe Vera Gel is the synergistic effect of the constituents, what makes the gel so effective. The gel does degrade quickly so it is important to use gel either from a fresh plant or one that has been preserved without degrading processing.
You can use Aloe Vera Gel externally as a base for aromatherapy, facial products, especially during troubled and oily periods. After washing and toning the face, lightly massage with cold (kept in the refrigerator) aloe vera gel for a few moments, then blot of the excess. The cold also helps tighten pores. Use Aloe Vera Gel as a light moisturizer base by adding selected essential oils. Keep small amounts at room temperature, as aloe is not an oil and the essential oils don't easily mix. Shake Aloe Vera Gel up prior to use. Use Aloe Vera Gel as an after sun treatment with selected essential oils added. For a little more emollient action add a few drops of jojoba or rose hip oil.
Internally Aloe Vera is taken to heal and help the function of the gastrointestinal tract and duodenal ulcere. External uses include wounds, burns, softening, UV protection, regeneration and moisturizing. You can drink Aloe Vera Gel with water or juice. Do not care for the taste, about the only way to have Aloe Vera Gel taste good is when mixed with spicy tomato or other juices.
Aloe Vera Gel Profile
Because of the delicate nature of Aloe Vera gel, refrigeration is recommended to prolong its shelf life. A good gel is created by removing the inner fillet of whole Aloe Vera leaves by hand, and then subsequently sending into a cold pressed production facility. Aloe Vera leaves is a naturally ground product and may contain small pieces of pulp within the gel. Suitable for food, cosmetic and beverage use. Also add natural preservatives like Sodium Benzoate, Potassium Sorbate, and Citric Acid.
- Color- Pale / Translucent
- Odor- Mild / Characteristic
- Pesticide residues - should test Negative
- pH - 3.9
- Aerobic Plate Count - <10 CFU/G
- Mold - <10 CFU/G
- Yeast Mold - <10 CFU/G
- Pathogens - Absent
- Sodium Benzoate - 0.10%
- Potassium Sorbate - 0.10%
- Citric Acid - 0.12%
Aloe in Aruba: Between 1840 and 1850 the Aloe Vera plant has been brought to Aruba and is since then cultivated in Aruba on alarge scale. Aruba had the ideal climate for the Aloe plant and very soon thousands of acres of Aloe were grown and many Aruban families lived from the harvest of the Aloe Vera, in those days only for the export of the raw material for laxatives.
In the literature on Aloe, the quality of the Aruba Aloes were undisputedly superior to other Aloes and this was also the reason that at the beginning of Twentieth century Aruba became the largest exporter of Aloe vera products in the world and soon earned the name "Island of Aloe".
In the code of arms of Aruba, an Aloe plant is shown and the official name for the laxative raw material is "Curacao Aloes", named after the harbour from where the Aruba Aloes were shipped all over the world (Curacao itself had virtually no Aloe production).
At theend of the fifties, new, synthetic laxatives replaced the Aloes worldwide and other industries (oil refining and tourism) replaced the Aloe industry in Aruba. The Aloe fields, however, remained, and still Aruba was the "Island of Aloe" and the Aloe plant stayed in the code of arms of Aruba. Aruba had set the record of the largest supplier in the world, of the best Aloe in the world.
When the parenchyma (the mucilaginousmaterial in the leaves) of the leaves is removed, this so called "gel-filet" is grinned and the fibers are removed. An opalescent liquid remains that is commonly called "Aloe Vera Gel" and after preservation this is the liquid that is used in skin preparations and health drinks.
The Chemistry of Aloe Vera
Everybody has at least heard of Aloe Vera, the plant that supplies a skin care ingredient that has very good moisturizing, softening and cooling properties. With sun burns and minor kitchen burns Aloe Vera will bring relief and speeds up the recuperation of the skin.
Especially in Aruba where this plant is now known to, and used by the local population for more than 130 years, Aloe Vera has become a part of the culture and even an Aloe plant appears in the coat of arms of Aruba. The ingredient that is used for cosmetics is a gel that can be obtained from the thick leaves of the plant.
Inside the leaves (the parenchyma) is a transparent structure that contains this Gel and this is the material that is used widely in cosmetic preparations as a powerful moisturizer.
Besides water (99%) the main other ingredients are a combination of so called polysaccharides. Many natural sugar-like molecules together form very long and large molecules. Polysaccharides are the molecules that give Aloe Vera Gel its gelatinous aspect.
These molecules can hold water molecules together and that is one of the reasons that Aloe Vera is such a good moisturizer. Also these molecules are very nutritious, for instance, for micro-organisms. Together with properties of the water holding, the polysaccharides form an ideal environment for bacterial contamination. This is the reason that freshly prepared Aloe Vera Gel can spoil within a few hours at room temperature. While in the intact leaf of the plant, Aloe Vera will remain sterile. Aloe Vera producers always have a hard time preserving the Aloe Vera Gel without losing its properties.
Apart from the polysaccharides, the Aloe Vera Gel contains enzymes and minerals and some vitamins. The activity of the enzymes is often used as a measure of the effectiveness of the Gel. Not always is this an accurate way of measuring, because the enzymes account is not only activity of the Gel as a skin care product. Apart from skin care the Aloe Vera Gel is also used in health drinks.
The gelatinous structure of the gel can form a good protection for the wall of the stomach against stomach acid, especially when the stomach wall is irritated or damaged. Many people in Aruba know well how to make a fresh drink from the Aloe Vera gel.
When the Aloe Vera is harvested from Aloe fields that are irrigated artificially, the gel contains more water and less solids and as such is less effective. The plant that grows in a dry climate produces a more concentrated and more effective Aloe Vera Gel like in Aruba.
Aloe's thick, tapered, spiny leaves grow from a short stalk near ground level. Aloe Vera is not a cactus, but a member of the lily family, known as Aloe barbadensis. Aloe is related to other members of the Lily family such as the onion, garlic and turnip families. Aloe's relationship to the lily family is evident from the tubular yellow flowers produced annually in the spring that resemble those of the Easter lily.
There are over 250 species of aloe grown around the world. However, only two species are grown today commercially, with Aloe Barbadensis Miller and Aloe Aborescens being the most popular. The Aloe plant is grown in warm tropical areas and cannot survive freezing temperatures.
In the United States, most of the Aloe is grown in the Rio Grande Valley of South Texas, Florida and Southern California. Internationally, Aloe can be found in Mexico, the Pacific Rim countries, India, South America, Central America, the Caribbean, Australia and Africa.
The leaves of the Aloe plant grow from the base in the rosette pattern. Mature plants can grow as tall as 2.5 inches to 4 feet with the average being around 28 to 36 inches in length. Each plant usually has 12-16 leaves that, when mature, may weigh up to three pounds. The plants can be harvested every 6 to 8 weeks by removing 3 to 4 leaves per plant.
The original commercial use of the Aloe plant was in the production of a latex substance called Aloin, a yellow sap used for many years as a laxative ingredient. This product became synonymous with the name "Aloe" and recorded in the trade, technical and government literature during the early 20th century. This terminology created much confusion later when Aloe's other main ingredient, Aloe Gel, a clear colorless semi-solid gel, was stabilized and marketed. This Aloe Vera Gel, beginning in the 50's, has gained respect as a commodity used as a base for nutritional drinks, as a moisturizer, and a healing agent in cosmetics and OTC drugs. Chemical analysis has revealed that this clear gel contains amino acids, minerals, vitamins, enzymes, proteins, polysaccharides and biological stimulators. Public interest in Aloe has grown quickly, and now there is a considerable amount of research into the various components of Aloe to find out more about their properties and to characterize these components so that more specific research can provide clues to the "magic" that is attributed to Aloe Vera.
This "magic" concept brought the industry under the Federal Food and Drug Administration's microscope in the late 70's and early 80's. The claims made to the consumer about uses and effectiveness of Aloe were exaggerated.
Aloe Vera Gel, like most natural juices, both fruit and vegetable, is an unstable product when extracted and is subject to discoloration and spoilage from contamination by micro-organisms. The great success of Aloe as a commodity for use in nutritional foods and cosmetics is due to the proper stabilizing procedures that enable processors to store and ship the Aloe Gel, without fear of spoilage throughout the market places of the world. Research conducted around the world leaves little doubt that certain biochemical properties of Aloe, will be proven facts. Such attributes as moisturizing and penetrating properties are known, but the attributes such as its healing abilities and analgesic action to bacterial activity has not been clearly defined and documented through properly controlled scientific research and testing.
Today, the Aloe industry has established high ethical standards for businesses and their Aloe products. Through the International Aloe Science Council, the industry has solidified its dedication to providing the world with the highest quality Aloe. The wide acceptance of Aloe by society in so many consumer products suggests that the IASC is moving in the proper direction. The image of Aloe has never been higher. The IASC has a dedicated group of professionals committed to the further growth, research and marketing of quality Aloe Vera Gel and Aloe products made from this Gel. This is because the IASC knows the future of Aloe is full of promise, for those willing to make the necessary effort.
What Is It?: A succulent perennial plant belonging to the lily family, aloe vera grows wild in Madagascar and large portions of the African continent. Because of its many therapeutic uses, Aloe Vera is now commercially cultivated in United States, Japan, and countries in the Caribbean and Mediterranean. Many individuals also grow aloe as a houseplant.
The aloe plant is best known for its healing aloe vera gel, a thin, clear, jellylike substance that can be squeezed or scraped from the inner part of the fleshy leaf. A soothing juice is also made from this gel.
Another substance from the same plant, aloe vera latex, is taken from specialized cells along the inner leaf skin (called the pericyclic tubules). The latex is extracted as a liquid, then dried into a yellow powder. Because Aloe Vera's such a potent laxative, the latex is not usually used alone but combined with gentler herbs, such as cascara sagrada. Germany's Commission E approves of using small amounts of aloe vera latex to relieve constipation, but only for short-term use.
Health Benefits: For centuries, the gel of the aloe vera plant has been used as a soothing topical remedy for minor burns and wounds. Aloe Vera continues to be popular for treating sun burns and other first-degree burns because Aloe Vera appears to speed healing.
In addition, aloe vera gel is used to treat minor surface irritations, to reduce psoriasis symptoms, to lessen the painful effects of shingles, and to shrink warts. Aloe Vera even has a reputation as a beauty aid.
Various research studies are underway to explore the potential of aloe vera components to boost immunity and combat the HIV virus, and to treat certain types of cancer (particularly leukemia). Aloe Vera may even have a role to play in managing diabetes.
Specifically, aloe vera may help to:
Speed healing of first-degree burns, including sun burns. The gel is also excellent for easing certain minor second-degree burns. If applied after the burn has cooled, Aloe Vera will relieve pain and inflammation and accelerate healing. In one study of 27 people with moderately severe burns, those who used aloe vera healed in about 12 days on average, whereas the control group, who covered the affected areas with a regular gauze dressing, took 18 days to heal.
Soothe and hasten healing of cuts, scrapes, and other minor wounds and skin irritations. The gel contains a number of active ingredients, including substances known to help relieve pain, reduce swelling, quell itching, and increase blood flow to an injured area. Some research even indicates that the gel has anti fungal, anti bacterial, and anti viral properties.
Conversely, aloe vera gel may not help treat deeper, infected wounds, or those incurred during surgery. In one study at a Los Angeles hospital, 21 women were given either aloe vera gel or a placebo for wounds resulting from a caesarean section or surgery to the abdominal wall. When the gel was used, Aloe Vera gel took 83 days for the wounds to heal. When the placebo was applied, Aloe Vera gel took 53 days. (Both groups also received standard anti-infective treatments.)
Lessen painful effects of shingles. Applied gently to the painful lesions that characterize this condition, aloe vera gel acts promptly to soothe these sores and provide relief from itching. Aloe Vera gel also works to decrease the chances that the blisters will become infected.
Reduce symptoms of psoriasis. The ability of aloe vera gel to promote healing and quell itching and pain may offer some relief to those who suffer from this troubling condition. In a recent study of 60 people with chronic psoriasis, 83% of those who applied aloe to lesions, three times a day for eight months, experienced substantial improvement. Only 6% of those using a placebo benefited from its effects.
Ease heart burn, ulcers, diverticular disorders, and other types of digestive upset. A juice made from the aloe gel acts as an anti-inflammatory and can be taken internally as a remedy for certain digestive complaints. European folk medicine calls for using aloe vera juice to relieve heart burn and ulcers.
While there is very little substantive evidence to support these internal uses, preliminary research has shown promising results. In one Japanese study, 17 of 18 patients who took aloe vera juice found some relief for their peptic ulcers. However, none of the participants was given a placebo, so comparisons of its effectiveness could not be made. Other clinical trials in Japan indicate that certain compounds in aloe vera reduce the secretion of stomach juices and the formation of lesions.
Dosage Information: Special tips:
As a general rule, keep in mind that products that include "aloe vera extract" or "reconstituted aloe vera" may be much less potent than pure (more than 98%) aloe vera. Be sure to look at the label on any commercial aloe product to see if aloe vera is one of the first few ingredients listed.
For sun burn preparations, confirm that the product contains at least 20% aloe vera.
Aloe vera latex is available in capsule form, usually in combination with other (and more gentle) laxatives.
For burns, cuts, scrapes, shingles, and other skin problems: Apply aloe gel to affected area two or three times a day. For sun burns, you can also add 1 or 2 cups of aloe vera juice to a tub of lukewarm water and soak.
For heart burn: Drink 2 ounces of juice four times a day.
For ulcers and diverticular disorders: Drink 1/2 cup of aloe vera juice twice a day for one month. If you are also taking psyllium for a diverticular disorder, allow at least two hours to elapse before having aloe vera juice.
For warts: Dab a small amount of fresh or prepared aloe vera gel on a compress made of cotton gauze or flannel, and place over the wart. Change the dressing and apply new aloe vera daily. Improvement should be evident in three to four days.
Be sure to check out Dosage Recommendations Chart for Aloe Vera, which lists therapeutic dosages for specific ailments at a glance.
Guidelines for Use
The most effective and economical source of the gel is an aloe vera plant, which is easy to grow, even on a sunny city window still. Cut off one of plumper Aloe Vera leaves and wash Aloe Vera leaves off with soap and water. Then slit the leaf lengthwise, and squeeze out the clear gel from the center. Apply and gently spread the gel on to the painful area and let Aloe Vera gel dry, repeat the application as needed.
Use common sense when treating a wound, before applying aloe vera gel, first clean the area thoroughly.
When buying aloe vera juice, check to make sure that the one you select is derived from aloe vera gel, not from aloe latex. Also make sure the juice product contains a minimum of 98% aloe vera and that Aloe Vera juice does not have any aloin or aloe-emoin compounds, the key substances in aloe latex.
Be sure to drink aloe vera juice between meals.
When shopping for aloe vera juice, look for the "IASC-certified" seal. Aloe Vera juice is allowed only on products that contain certified raw ingredients that have been processed according to standards set by the International Aloe Science Council, a voluntary certification organization.
Creams and ointments should contain at least 20% aloe
General Interaction
Be aware that the long-term use of any laxative, including aloe vera latex, can cause you to lose an excessive amount of the mineral potassium. The low blood levels of potassium can be further worsened if you are also taking a potassium-draining diuretic ("water-pill") like hydrochlorothiazide or furosemide.
Dangerous heart rhythm abnormalities can develop if you take a digitalis heart medication (like digoxin or Lanoxin) along with a potassium-losing diuretic and the aloe vera latex. Consult your doctor for guidance.
If you are on oral corticosteroids, such as beclomethasone, methylprednisolone, or prednisone, it is important not to overuse or misuse aloe vera juice. A potassium deficiency can develop, and you may experience toxic effects from the medication.
If you are on the oral corticosteroid fludorocortisone (Florinef), it is important not to overuse or misuse aloe vera latex. A potassium deficiency can develop, and you may experience toxic effects from the medication.
Possible Side Effects
As a topical treatment, aloe vera is quite safe. Occasionally, some people develop a mild allergic reaction marked by itching or a rash. If this occurs, discontinue use.
Due to improper processing, aloe vera juice sometimes contains small quantities of the laxative compound in aloe latex. Should you begin to have cramps, diarrhea, or loose stools, do not ingest any more of the Aloe Vera juice and replace Aloe Vera juice with a new supply.
Don't take an aloe vera latex laxative, if you are pregnant or breast-feeding. Aloe Vera may trigger uterine contractions. Also avoid using Aloe Vera during a menstrual period.
Children and the elderly should not consume an aloe vera latex laxative internally. In addition, laxatives of any kind should never be used by anyone with an intestinal obstruction, an acutely inflammatory intestinal disease (such as Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis), appendicitis, or abdominal pain of unknown cause.
Ailments | Dosage |
Burns | Apply gel to affected areas of skin as needed. |
Cuts and Scrapes | Apply cream or gel liberally to wound 2 or 3 times a day. |
Heart burn | 2 oz. juice 4 times a day |
Insect Bites and Stings | Apply 4 times a day to bitten area for symptom relief. |
Shingles | Apply liberal amount of gel to blistered skin as needed. |
Sports Injuries | Apply gel to affected areas 3 or 4 times a day as needed. |
Sun burn | Apply gel to affected areas as needed. |
Ulcers | 1/2 cup juice twice a day for one month |
Warts | Put a pea-sized amount of gel on a compress. Apply as usual. |
Aloe vera is a nutritional storehouse, containing vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, niacinamide, choline and 18 amino acids, in addition to many other nutritional substances. Aloe vera juice is an ingredient in many commercial topical creams, lotions and shampoos. Aloe vera juice can also be taken internally with juice or water as an addition to the diet. For external use, aloe vera gel is the item of choice.
The Aloe Vera Gel is created by adding a gelling agent, Irish moss extract, to the juice. Aloe vera gel spreads on quickly and penetrates deeply, leaving no stickiness. Aloe Vera gel comes in a handy flip-top container. If you enjoy the benefits of regular aloe vera juice, imagine the value of being able to get the whole leaf!
Whole Leaf Aloe Vera provides a higher level of mucopolysaccharides than regular filleted aloe vera. Only the intense cleansing components have been removed, leaving a high level of mucopolysaccharides (7,000 mg per liter). Used externally, Aloe Vera gel is known for its hydrating and moisturizing properties.
Shake well before use and refrigerate after opening. When using Aloe Vera as an internal dietary supplement, drink 2-6 oz. Aloe Vera Juice daily as is or mixed with water or juice. Drink 1 oz. Whole Leaf Aloe Vera juice mixed with 8 oz. water 4-6 times daily.
Commercial Product Specification
Product Description: A single 1 oz. serving daily delivers the full 1,500 milligram dosage of glucosamine shown in clinical tests to help lubricate nourish cartilage, increase the range of motion and flexibility and help maintain joint comfort. This unique liquid delivery system is easy-to-swallow and easy on your stomach because juice is made with naturally soothing Aloe Vera.The Aloe Vera harvested for use in Naturade Joint Formula is organically grown in accordance with the California Organic Foods Act of 1990.
Warnings: Keep out of the reach of children.
Ingredients: Other Ingredients: Aloe Vera Gel from Concentrate, Fructose, Citric Acid, Natural Lemon-Lime Flavor, Sodium Benzoate, Potassium Sorbate.
Recommended Use: As a dietary supplement,drink 1 capful of Naturade Joint Formula daily. You can also add this refreshing lemon-lime drink to water or your favorite juice. In order to obtain maximum benefit, it is important to take this product regularly for four to six weeks. Individual results may vary.
Aloe supports the healthy functioning of the kidneys, liver, colon and skin system and supports healthy elimination of toxins.
Aloe has been shown to support the entire detoxification process by breaking down built up mucous and waste, cells pushing out more toxins and supporting the proper elimination of these wastes through the blood, kidneys, liver, colon and skin systems as well as establishing healthy digestive processes and tissues. The enhanced removal of toxins and supporting the rejuvenation of healthy and balanced digestive and elimination processes helps to reduce sensitivities and allergic reactions.