Joint Venture
Investing in Jatropha
Seed Export
Seed Collection
Veg Oils
Herbal Product
Climate Adaptation
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There is a good opportunity for Indians returning to India, after Global Financial Meltdown. A similar opportunity is waiting for you. Plantation may require huge investment, but SEED COLLECTION and PROCESSING of SEEDS to produce OIL, BIO GAS and CNG, and BIO FERTILIZER, is ideal business line. Growing of Algae in ponds is another good opportunity. You can participate in Joint Venture with our company Sai Petrochemicals Pvt. Ltd. We are keen on Joint venture with you for these activities.
Great Opportunity for New Fuel : CNG :
Economic development in India has led to increase in the energy demand by 5% every year compared to 2% in developed countries.
Conventional energy sources are the major cause of climate change. Joint venture leads to understanding that clean renewable energy technologies are to be widely introduced.
Our goal :
To utilize the large inexpensive rural workforce for Collection of Seeds and Production of Bio Fertilizer.
Explore the permanent exploitation of the different aspects of Oil Bearing Seeds like Jatropha / Pongamia (Karanj) / Castor, which might be a real alternative for rural energy production. Joint venture benefits four main aspects of development and secures a sustainable way of life.
Objectives of our Company :
Make Jatropha / Pongamia (Karanj) / Castor Seed collection a low-risk venture with attractive returns, utilizing its by products more effectively.
Help attract private investors in Jatropha / Pongamia (Karanj) / Castor collection.
Promote and recognize endeavors to build technical capacities of rural entrepreneurs.
Help create new work opportunities in Jatropha / Pongamia (Karanj) / Castor collection and oil production related sectors.
Highlight environmental and social integration of Jatropha / Pongamia (Karanj) / Castor collection and oil production systems in rural communities.
Provide gender sensitive socio-economic and environmental analysis of Jatropha / Pongamia (Karanj) / Castor collection and oil production requirements in rural communities.
Year | Diesel Demand Million Tons | Jatropha / Castor / Algae oil required for Biodiesel blending million tons |
5% | 10% | 20% |
2008-09 | 57.70 | 2.89 | 5.77 | 11.54 |
2009-10 | 60.59 | 3.03 | 6.06 | 12.12 |
2010-11 | 63.62 | 3.18 | 6.36 | 12.72 |
* Based on 5% growth in fuel consumption