Joint Venture
Investing in Jatropha
Seed Export
Seed Collection
Veg Oils
Herbal Product
Climate Adaptation
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Seeds for Oil Production
For Jatropha / Pongamia / Mahua / Sal / Kusum Seeds, please contact some of our associates
- Green Leaf Energy, Gaya, Bihar, ankit4jec@gmail.com
- Mukesh Dholakia, President, Santosh Herbal Extracts Pvt Ltd., 12, Mahalaxmi Cloth Market, Pandri, Raipur, 492 009, Chhatisgarh, M : 91-98271 21777, 91-94252 04951, 91-91790 85030, Tel : 91-771-509 3062, 91-771-509 3065, m_dholakia@hotmail.com
- Raj & Company, Behind Katju Market, Near Parsi Temple, Neemuch, Madhya Pradesh, 458 441, India. Tel.: 91-7423-221600 Fax: 91-7423-225341, Contact Person : Mr. Vijay Kumar Jain, rajspice@sancharnet.in
- Garg Herbs, C/o Jankilal Dhoolchand Garg, 31,Tilak Marg, Neemuch, Madhya Pradesh, 458 441, India. Tel 91-7423-224800 and 91-7423-226566, Cell 91-9827092140. gargjd@sancharnet.in
- Adinath Trading Company, Mandi Prangan, Neemuch, Madhya Pradesh, 458 441, India. Tel : Office : 91-7423 222879, Works : 91-7423 227679, Telefax : 91-7423 225961, Mr. Vinit Jain, Res : 91-7423 227407. Cell : 91-94251 06479. adinathherb@yahoo.co.in
- Rajasthan Agricultural Depot, Nitin Kothari, M : 91-94141 66585, opp Champala Dharmashala, outside Surajpole, Udaipur, 313 001. Tel Off : 91-294-2417822, 91-294-2420348, Fax : 91-294-2411185, Res : 91-294-5100767, rajagro@hotmail.com
- Chanchal Gupta, M : 91-94141 61139, (91-93132 53666?) 91-94136 66024, UIT Shop No. 14, Hiran Magri, Sector 6, Udaipur, Tel : 91-294-2463139. gjplantations@yahoo.co.in
- Atul Gupta, M : 91-93148 27154, Secretary, Heniram Charitable Mission Society, Plot C-29, Pankaj Singhvi Road, Lal Kothi, Jaipur.
- Kanakmal Jain, M : 91-94147 59890 (Abhishek), 91-94131 94442 (Manish) 3/187, Khandu Colony, Behind Jain Temple, Baswada, 327 001. Tel Res : 91-2962-257062, Shop : 91-2962-267716.
- Ashok Khatri, M/S Chunnilal Narayan das ji Khatri, 64, Adrash Nagar, Bhinmal - 343029, Dist. Jalore (Rajasthan), Tel: 91-2969-221181, 91-2969-222871, Fax: 91-2969-221521, M: 91-94144 18460 , 91-99825 93642, forestindiaseed@yahoo.com
- Hitesh Kirana Stores, Abhapura Dist. Baswada, Tel : 91-2962-267755, M : 91-94145 95732
- Hassan Kapadiya, C/o Tara Trading Co., Jeypure Road, Jagdalpur, (Chattisgarh), Bastar, M: 91-99935 58025, rahul_2inin@yahoo.co.in
- Rohit Moondra, Shree Raj BioFuels Pvt. Ltd., Udaipur, 313001, M: 91-94141 64400, 91-99839 45600, jatrophaseedsupplier@gmail.com. www.jatrophaseedsupplier.com
- Society for Rural Initiatives for Promotion of Herbals (SRIPHL), Abhishek Maharshi, M : 91-94140 85700, B-132, Sainik Basti, Churu, 331 001, Tel : 91-1562-255575, jatropha_c@yahoo.co.in
- Ritesh Kumar, 91-9431125043, ritekumar@gmail.com, Shree sai agro bio tech & services (p) ltd, ssabts@gmail.com
- Rishi Narayan Singh, rishimalda@gmail.com
Animal Fat
Mr. Joshi, Hyderabad, M: 91-94400 55892