Pongamia Pinnata
 Feasibility Study
Lamp Oil
Drip Irrigation
Soil Test
Large Plantation
Why Jatropha?
Oil Yield
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 Contract Farming
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Bio Kerosine: Use of Jatropha Oil as Kerosine
In my last visit to Uganda I found that kerosine is imported in that country and sold as lighting fuel on Petrol Pumps. Large plantations in Ethiopia, Uganda and Kenya can replace Jatropha Oil to replace kerosine. This will save foreign exchange and solve logistical problems for Ethiopia and Uganda.
Plantations in Africa : Most important step in the success of Bio Kerosine is production of Vegetable Oils in Rural Africa. Most countries in Africa offer 100,000 hectares of land for plantations in areas shown in blue and light blue in map below, where rainfall is enough and land is not cultivated. My aim is to offer expert advice in Setting up Nursery for Jatropha Cultivation in Africa. I can Guide local people in correct practices for plantation work. I can train teams of local people for Jatropha Nursery / Cultivation / Plantation work. I can offer consultancy for plantation from start to cultivation and maintenance even for 2 to 3 years. Since a lot of labour is required for Pruning work in first two years, plantations are viable in those countries in Africa, where daily wages are less than 2 US$ per day.
I am well conversant with the Machinery Required for large scale Cultivation (100,000 hectors and more) like, diggers, excavators, transport vehicles, jeeps etc. and can help mobilize these to site.
Advantages of Plantations of Jatropha / Pongamia with Castor
Jatropha and Pongamia plantations with Castor and Camelina as inter crops, grow much faster than any other trees or bushes and fix CO2 as its stem and branches, thus reducing CO2 from Atmosphere and offer biomass.
1 acre of Jatropha / Pongamia plantation absorbs and reduces 500 kgs of CO2 every year, from Atmosphere. This is a good way to reduce Green House Gases in Atmosphere.
Jatropha is a soft tree. Jatropha does not break or get uprooted in case of Cyclones and Floods, like other Oil Bearing Seed Trees. Jatropha was observed to be standing firm in devastating floods in Myanmar.
Plantation reduces the amount of Dust / Sand that is carried by high winds (especially in Deserts) and reduces chance of respiratory deceases. Jatropha plantation also cools the entire area.
Jatropha plantation also provides rural employment and fuel for lighting in local areas.
The main goal of my work is to enable communities in rural Africa to develop alternative energy options that will be good for the environment and help promote sustainable livelihoods in the region, without exposing them to such adverse effects of modernization as cultural transformations, and allowing them to retain independence in the face of globalization.
Economic Development in Developed Countries has led to huge increases in the energy demand. The recognition that conventional energy sources are the major cause of climate change, leads to understanding that clean renewable energy technologies are to be widely introduced. In this respect switching from Fossil Fuels and other Green House Gas (GHG) emitting sources to renewable sources of energy makes sense for the climate, the environment and sustainable society. Many European countries are eager to invest in plantations in Africa.
I would like to focus my activities on income improvement through the establishment of the Jatropha / Pongamia with Castor cultivation and local, community-based production of environmentally friendly fuel. I would like to explore how the permanent exploitation of the different aspects of Jatropha curcas might be a real alternative to the common carbon-based fuel for energy production. I would like to contribute to improvement of Jatropha / Pongamia with Castor System which benefit four main aspects of development and secure a sustainable way of life for village farmers and the land that supports them.
- Renewable Energy
- Erosion Control and Soil Improvement
- Promotion of Women employment
- Poverty Reduction.
The overall objectives of my work will be to:
Make Jatropha / Pongamia with Castor cultivation a low-risk venture with attractive returns.
Help attract private investors in cultivation of Jatropha / Castor and other non-edible oil seeds.
Promote and recognize endeavors to build technical capacities of rural entrepreneurs.
Help create new work opportunities in Jatropha / Pongamia with Castor cultivation and Bio Gas related sectors.
Highlight environmental and social integration of Jatropha / Pongamia with Castor cultivation systems in rural communities.
Provide gender sensitive socio-economic and environmental analysis of Jatropha / Pongamia with Castor cultivation in rural communities.
Attention to gender will be of my special concern with aims to improve the position of women through energy related income generating projects. I want to pay particular attention to the inclusion of women in Jatropha / Pongamia with Castor System to ensure that the interests of local women are represented. Stakeholder selection will be inclusive.
Barriers to implementation are very important factors to consider because technologies do not exist locally, but within specific cultural contexts, they will have to be effectively implemented. Any economic and development projects in these areas may affect the integrity of the region. In addition to the economic and political differences between regions, some areas have special geographical characteristics. To be fully effective, Jatropha / Pongamia with Castor cultivation and biodiesel production system should involve the identification of natural resource use patterns and potential conflicts among users and affected stakeholders in order to formulate a comprehensive energy strategy that is coordinated among different sectors and levels of government.
The results will be easily measurable. Most of communities are very small, so the differences may be observed by actual count of the beginning and ending conditions and the results quantified. There will be a subjective component from the residents about any "quality of life" improvements, along with some assessment of where incomes have been improved in sustainable ways.
In summary, what motivates me most is the quest for sustainable energy development approaches that are tailored to the needs of the communities and to the geographical specificities of a region.